Saturday, April 26, 2008

Initial Phase of Launching

*God’s financial provision (personal and for the church plant)

*Individuals and families that will be on the initial launch team (unity, clarity of vision, strong leaders but humble followers, readiness to fulfill God’s vision for a new church plant in Harlem

*God preparing the hearts of the community where we will plant the church

*Clarity of target audience and creative strategies in which to outreach

*Partnering churches that will commit to prayer, investing financially, investing resources, investing people, etc.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

George and Tondra

  • Selling or rental of our current home. We need this in order to move.
  • Passionate quality time with God – receiving revelation, inspiration, vision, discernment, etc.

  • Against any demonic attacks on our unity, love, commitment, compassion, intimacy

  • Next level faith, ministry calling

  • Favor with God and Man
  • Physical strength and protection
  • Great faith and the joy of the Lord
  • A heart of supernatural love for the people of Harlem

Jaylen and Camryn

· Good schools (academically challenging, safe etc.)

· Divine selection of friends, classmates and teachers

· Transition to be good (moving from the south to the north, new friends, living conditions, culture shock, etc.)

· God would reveal in their hearts their calling and place in this move

· The peace of God which passes all understanding (Phil 4:7)

Location, Location, Location

Safe, conveniently located, affordable neighborhood to live near Central Park

Best location for the church to be planted